Godel Rosenberg 


Since 2017  German-Israel Fund-Management ltd., Founder and CEO (Herzliya, Israel)

Since 2016  GISEP-Ambassador (German Israel Start-up Exchange Program)

2009 – 18    Israeli start-ups scout for German companies: Daimler AG, Deutsche Telekom,

                    Körber AG, McKinsey, Hensoldt 

                    Lecturer in Israel, USA and Germany about Israel´s high-tech eco-system.

Since 2009  Head of Representative Office of Bavaria in Israel  (concluded 2018) 

Since 2008  goro international consulting services ltd., founder and CEO (Herzliya)

Since 2008  Senior Advisor Daimler AG Israel, PA, Jordan (concluded end of 2009)

1999-2007   Head Corporate Representative Office Daimler(Chrysler) AG Israel, PA, Jordan


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