Host for Germans and Israelis

Guests in Israel and Germany

Lecture in June 2017 at Kloster Banz: Israel start-up Nation

Drone-Detection at German Air Force Airport Kaufbeuren Feb. 2017

Israel visits Amberg

The Israel-booth as meeting-point for entrepreneurs and politicians: Ignaz Berger, CEO IB-Berger, Godel Rosenberg, Albert Klein, CFO FIT AG, State-Minister Ilse Aigner, Carl Fruth CEO FIT AG (from left)

Next generation visiting Israel

Der Vorstand der Jungen Union Bayern in der Synagoge Beith Yoel, Herzliya

The board of Junge Union Bayern visits Temple Beith Yoel in Herzliya invited by Godel Rosenberg. After a lecture about Judaism an agile discussion about the situation in Midlle East enflamed.

Vorstand der Jungen Union Bayern in Herzliya

Political parties interested in Israel

Die Delegation der Freien Wähler Bayern beim israelischen Startup Moovit

Politicians of "Freien Wähler Bayer" visiting Israel 2016. Godel Rosenberg invited them to meet MOOVIT - startup.

Start-up cooperations

„Good relations through Business“

Dr. Uri Ullmann mit Godel Rosenberg (re)

„Good relations through Business“ was subject of a lecture given by Godel Rosenberg at IDC in Herzliya on Mai 27, 2014.



Entrepreneurs meet Politics in Herzliya

Peter Ramsauer, former Federal Minister, Head of the Departement for Economical Affairs  at the German Parliament (first from right) visits GIFM Headquarter in Herzliya,Israel. An exhange of opinion regarding Israel´s start-up scenery started. Our guests: Jochen Fröhlich, CFO Siemens Israels, (left), Dr. Judith Taic, (middle) lawyer in Tel Aviv and her husband Hotelier Henry Taic tasted Bavarian Beer and Middle East Humus.

Horst Seehofer visits Israel

In September 2012 Bavaria´s Ministerpresident Horst Seehofer visits Israel and in April 2013  Bavaria´s State-Minister for Economic Affairs, Martin Zeil, was our guest of the Start-up-Nation.

Marketplace Israel

"Marketplace Israel“ was issue of the visit of the departement of economic affairs of the Bavarian Parliament headed by former State-Minister  Erwin Huber in May 2012. 

Dialogue "Green for Growth"

Green Business Circle in Munich

JNF-KKL Green Business Circle – started 2011 in Munich – a professional network for sustainable decisionsmakers and innovative leaders:

Participants: Prof. Dr. h.c. Horst Teltschik, Yuval Rabin, Joe Mangion, Tim Schmayer, Noemi Schmayer. Moderator: Godel Rosenberg

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